Capillary blood glucose (CBG) test
A blood drop sample is usually collected from a fingertip prick.
The equipment used in capillary blood glucose testing includes a lancet to prick the skin, a glucometer, and test strips. Glucometers have a range of features. Modern "smart" machines require a very small sample of blood (from 0.3 to 1 microL) and have Bluetooth capabilities that synchronize data with paired applications (apps) on smartphones. These machines and apps record data and provide trends in glucose measurements. Further, some apps also offer options to record diet, medications used, and type of physical activity undertaken, which may be helpful to the health care practitioner when managing the care plan for the client with diabetes.
Unit 4,
Reference: Mathew TK, Zubair M, Tadi P. Blood Glucose Monitoring. [Updated 2023 Apr 23]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: